Malaria Allocation for 2024-2027 implementation Period

Malaria 2024-2027

Global Fund grants are typically approved for a 3-year period of implementation. During this period there may be changes to the epidemiological or political context or funding landscape, under which the program was initially approved. Additionally, a Principal Recipient may accumulate savings for various reasons and end up with unused funds.

Reprogramming is changing the scale and/or scope of a program to ensure that the Global Fund investments continue to achieve greater impact. This may involve modified goals and objectives in a performance framework or changes of key modules and interventions. Grant changes that are purely budgetary and that do not result in changes to indicators and targets in the performance framework are not considered reprogramming.

Reprogramming can be either initiated by the CCM or the Principal Recipient (PR). Reprogramming can also be suggested by the Global Fund. A reprogramming request can be proposed at any time during the grant lifecycle.

There are a number of events that may trigger reprogramming. Some examples include:

  • The need to invest existing funds more strategically;
  • Emerging scientific evidence or normative guidance;
  • Changes in the epidemiological pattern or the trajectory of the disease in the country;
  • Changes in the national context, such as funding landscape, or legal, political or socio-economic environment;
  • Changes to unit costs or costs of activities;
  • Changes to implementation arrangements;
  • The scale-up of effective interventions;
  • Findings and recommendations from program reviews, evaluations or impact assessments; or
  • When there is additional funding provided to the program during implementation, for example, through the unfunded quality demand process

The reprogramming request is typically prepared by the PR, who then submits it to the CCM for endorsement. All reprogramming requests must be endorsed by the CCM. This requires the signature of the CCM Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary, as well as the minutes of the CCM meeting in which the request was discussed and endorsed.

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